Mutual Non-DisclusureAgreement

NAISSCO takes you through a journey to achieve your goals. We start by legally protecting your privacy and data through a NDA (Non – Disclosure Agreement)

This document triggers the engagement process to address a current service requests but also sets the stage for a long term partnership. It needs to be signed by both parties only once.

You must be logged in to submit the form.

Form Q&A

Please make sure to properly fill in required fields. These fields will be added to the NDA document and sent to client authorized contact for signature. Here you can find common questions about the fields in this form.

What is "Company Legal Name"?

This is the name of the company the client will put on any legal document such as NDA, Contract, SOW, etc. Make sure it matches the name used for registering the company with government authorities.

What is "Company Legal Address"?

The legal address is the address where the client company is legally registered. 

It is also the address where the business management can receive service of process and other official documents on behalf of the business entity.

Which countries can be selected?

NAISSCO offers services to clients in Canada and The United Sates.

What is "Company Profile"?

A brief description of the client’s company. the number of employees, size of the business, locations around the world. This is optional field so we can get to know the client better.

What is "Company Specialization"?

What type of business does the client run? Which industries does the business operate in.

What is the Point of Contact?

The authorized person on client side who can sign the NDA document.